on July 23, 2024 at 10:16 AM

Strange email - did anyone else get this?

From: Bill Janelle

User Posts: 4 - New User

From: Landaverde, Juan <Juan.Landaverde@rsmus.com>
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2024 11:41 AM
To: CPAcom <CPAcom@rsmus.com>; Landaverde, Juan <Juan.Landaverde@rsmus.com>
Cc: eva.lem@hq.cpa.com; Michael.murray <Michael.murray@hq.cpa.com>
Subject: CPA.com | State Society Payments

Good Morning,

My name is Juan Landaverde, I am emailing you on behalf of CPA.com. I work as part of CPA.com’s back office processing team, CC’d on this email is Eva Lem and Michael Murray who you may be more familiar with from CPA.com in order to prove authenticity of this email.

We’re in the process of updating our documentation surrounding recipients of State Society Commission payments, which we are planning to issue in the near future. Please provide us a completed W9 and VRF (Vendor Request Form) in order to issue payments as soon as possible. For the VRF please only fill out the items with an asterisk (*) and feel free ignore the GL Account/Approver fields, I have prepopulated that already.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.



Juan Landaverde

Financial Consulting Senior Associate - Finance as a Service


Upcoming Out of Office:


80 City Square, Boston, MA, 02129
D: 617-241-4104 F: 617-912-9001 I E: Juan.Landaverde@rsmus.com I Wwww.rsmus.com


Bill Janelle
Michigan Association of CPAs
Office: 248.267.3700
Direct:  248.267.3714

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